Calendula Tincture Topical and Internal


Promote the healing with calendula is also called “pot marigold” not garden marigolds. Calendula is an extremely diverse herb revered for its healing and restorative properties. Since it is anti-inflammatory, astringent and antimicrobial, Calendula works for treating skin sores and rashes (even diaper rash). And considering how common and hearty Calendula is, it is very feasible to grow it yourself and prepare your very own Calendula herbal tinctures and salves. Keep this tincture on hand a pleasant and affordable benefit for herbal remedies and homeopathic uses.
This tincture will aid cleaning and disinfecting scrapes, rashes, stings, and for cleaning any skin problems. Take along for camping and hiking anytime you will be exposed to the outdoors.
Being effective for irritations and inflammation relieving itching and stinging. It is an antiseptic and soothing also for cuts, burns and diaper rash.
What is also very nice about this alternative, is that you can help the environment, and natural surroundings by planting and enjoy these beautiful flowers before you use them. Attract the bees as well.
Fill droppers for gifting family and friends medicine chests.
Disclaimer: Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This recipe is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Personally, I make these home remedies that researched. I believed in it but you don’t have to. It’s not a cure all.

Ingredients: [‘grain alcohol’, ‘calendula flowers’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“10 cups grain alcohol (vodka will do)”,”1 cup packed fresh calendula flowers”]

Number of Servings: 1

Steps: [‘Take your flowers and place them in the glass jar, and fill the jar to the top with your grain alcohol. Screw on the top and let it seep for 2-4 weeks. Shaking twice a day.’, ‘After it has had time to seep 2 to 4 weeks later. Strain the tincture through a coffee filter or cheese cloth. Then pour carefully the tincture into a dark bottle. Make sure that the bottle is clean and air dried.’, ‘Now to use topical: Dilute 12 part tincture to 10 parts witch hazel, apply this natural remedy to affected skin area.’, ‘You can also put the mixture in a spray bottle to be used in a few days. Because there is no preservatives of any kind, having it in a spray bottle will not last as long as in the dark bottle. Keeping it in the refrigerator will prolong it and feel nice when sprayed.’, ‘Internal use:’, ‘A cleansing and detoxifying herb, Calendula works great for stimulating and purifying the liver. It is also a great tonic for stomach ulcers and digestive disorders, and a gargle for canker sores in the mouth and throat.’, ‘Using a funnel pour the tincture into medicine dropper bottles.’, ‘Dosage: taken orally is 5-15 drops for children and 10-25 drops for adults.’]

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