Country Crust Wheat Bread


I used this recipe for all my family’s bread needs for about 10 years in the early 70’s. It makes a delicious, fine-textured loaf that is ideal for sandwiches and toast. The recipe came from my mother, who I think got it from a gardening magazine. I don’t use rapid-rise yeast, just regular dry granulated yeast, such as Red Star. For the warm milk, I find it convenient to use 1 cup canned evaporated milk plus 1 cup hot tap water.

Ingredients: [‘active dry yeast’, ‘milk’, ‘honey’, ‘table salt’, ‘eggs’, ‘vegetable oil’, ‘whole wheat flour’, ‘unbleached flour’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“5 teaspoons active dry yeast (2 packets)”,”2 cups warm milk”,”1/4 cup honey”,”1 tablespoon table salt”,”2 eggs”,”1/3 cup vegetable oil”,”3 cups whole wheat flour”,”3 -3 1/2 cups unbleached flour”]

Number of Servings: 24

Steps: [‘Dissolve yeast in warm milk in large bowl. If using stand mixer, use the mixer bowl. Stir in honey, salt, eggs, oil, and 3 cups whole wheat flour. Beat until smooth with paddle attachment, or with hand mixer. Stir in just enough remaining unbleached flour to make the dough easy to handle.’, ‘Turn dough onto lightly floured counter and knead until smooth and elastic, 8 to 10 minutes. If using stand mixer, switch to dough hook and knead in bowl 8 to 10 minutes. Watch it to make sure the dough cleans the bowl, and does not climb up the hook.’, ‘Place dough in a greased bowl, and turn so the greased side is on top. Cover with plastic wrap and a towel, and let rise in a warm place until double in bulk, about 1 hour.’, ‘Punch dough down and divide in half. Shape each half into loaf, pinching as you roll to avoid holes in the middle, and place in greased loaf pan. Brush with oil and allow to rise until double, about 1 hour.’, ‘After a half hour of rising, turn on oven to preheat to 375 degrees F. Adjust rack so the tops of the loaves will be in the center of the oven.’, ‘Bake fully risen loaves 30 to 35 minutes, until deep golden brown, and the loaves sound hollow when tapped. Internal temperature should be 195 to 200 degrees F. If using long, narrow pullman loaf pans, begin checking at 25 minutes. Rotate loaves half-way through baking.’, ‘Remove loaves from pans and brush tops with butter. Cool completely on wire rack before slicing.’]

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