Easy, Smokey, Spicy Tofu


Great Tofu Recipe I made up the other day. Be sure to use extra-firm tofu and to press the water out of it for at least 20 minutes before preparing. Actual smoked tofu, I have never tried, but it may also be good in this. I just used regular. Happy eating!

This is great in wraps or sandwiches. I haven’t tried it, but I think it may also be great grilled over a flame.

Ingredients: [‘hot smoked paprika’, ‘sweet smoked paprika’, ‘crushed red pepper flakes’, ‘olive oil’, ‘chili powder’, ‘vegetable stock’, ‘fresh garlic cloves’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“2 tablespoons hot smoked paprika”,”2 tablespoons sweet smoked paprika”,”1 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes”,”2 tablespoons olive oil”,”1 tablespoon chili powder”,”1 cup vegetable stock (about 1 cup)”,”2 fresh garlic cloves”]

Number of Servings: 4

Steps: [‘After pressing the tofu, cut it up into bite-size pieces and set aside.’, ‘Mix all other ingredients to prepare the marinade. Marinate pressed tofu for at least 2 hours, making sure to turn over halfway through to cover entire pieces.’, ‘Note: The garlic cloves, I used two, do not have to be precise, rough chop is fine. Also, spices can vary depending on how spicy your tolerance level is.’]

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