Mom’s Pie Crust


My mother’s recipe. Sometimes the simplest is the best. Having studied under the master, I think the “secret” to good pie crust is in the technique. Cut your shortening in properly (she taught me with just a table knife), toss in just the right amount of cold water with a fork, and don’t overhandle. Flaky perfection.

Ingredients: [‘flour’, ‘salt’, ‘shortening’, ‘cold water’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“2 1/4 cups flour”,”1 teaspoon salt”,”3/4 cup plus 2 t shortening”,”2/3 cup cold water, as needed “]

Number of Servings: 8

Steps: [‘Mix flour and salt. Cut in shortening until mixture resembles fine crumbs with shortening pieces pea size or smaller.’, “Gradually add cold water. Sprinkle it a Tablespoon or two at a time over mixture and toss with fork. Do this until the dough is just moist enough to form into a ball. The look and feel of the dough is more important than the exact amount of water you use which can vary with the weather. If it’s too dry, it will not form a ball. If it’s too wet, yuck! You have a sticky mess which will not roll properly. Experience is the best teacher.”, ‘Roll into 2 large or 3 small crusts.’, ‘Thanks, Mom!’]

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