Myra’s Jam Filled Biscuits


We used to spend many of our holiday’s on a high country sheep station in NZ, and Myra McKinnon, the farmer’s wife used to make these cookies (as a kid I would sometimes help her too) She, sadly is no longer with us. but I thought her recipe deserved sharing.

Ingredients: [‘butter’, ‘sugar’, ‘eggs’, ‘flour’, ‘baking powder’, ‘jam’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“1/2 lb butter”,”1/2 lb sugar (1 cup)”,”2 eggs”,”1 lb flour (4 cups)”,”1 teaspoon baking powder”,”300 g jam”]

Number of Servings: 1

Steps: [‘Cream butter and sugar.’, ‘Add eggs, then flour and baking powder.’, ‘Roll into small balls, put onto a baking tray and pat out flat.’, ‘Make a hole in one of a pair (I use the lid of an essence bottle) Bake at 350 F (180 C) for 12-15 minutes or until*just* starting to turn from creamy colour to very light brown.’, ‘Store in an air-tight container and spread with raspberry jam just before serving so that you have a”bottom” section of the cookie without a hole, and the”top” with a hole in it so that the jam shows through These dissapear so fast that I never take note of how many I get in a batch: it also makes a difference how large or small you make the balls, therefore the yield is a”guess-timate”.’]

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