

Staple Filipino bread

Ingredients: [‘bread flour’, ‘salt’, ‘sugar’, ‘yeast’, ‘milk’, ‘egg’, ‘margarine’, ‘breadcrumbs’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“500 g bread flour”,”7 1/2 g salt”,”50 g sugar”,”17 1/2 g yeast”,”300 ml milk”,”1 egg”,”40 g margarine”,” breadcrumbs, for rolling the dough with “]

Number of Servings: 1

Steps: [‘Preheat oven 350ºF.’, ‘Knead all ingredients 10 minutes, adding more flour as needed to achieve a tacky dough (I add around 1/4 cup more).’, ‘Place in floured table, shape into a smooth ball. Bulk ferment for 1 hour (45 minutes for me).’, ‘Divide into 3, make into a fat log, rest 30 minutes (I rested 15 minutes).’, ‘Roll into breadcrumbs, rest 35 minutes (mine rested 5 minutes).’, ‘Cut about 2 inches, reroll in crumbs. Proof 25 minutes.’, ‘Bake 15-20 minutes.’]

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