Chicken and Vegetables Soy Milk Stew


This is a delicious stew made with chicken, mixed vegetables, soy milk and miso. It’s a healthy recipe for stew and is also very tasty. In Japan, there are two types of soy milk sold at the supermarkets, the adjusted and the non-adjusted. I’ve used the non-adjusted type because it is made from pure soy. The non-adjusted type of soy milk is good for stews because it has a thicker consistency. Try this easy and delicious recipe at home.

Ingredients: [‘carrot’, ‘burdock root’, ‘spinach’, ‘maitake mushrooms’, ‘chicken thighs’, ‘dashi stock’, ‘soymilk’, ‘sake’, ‘miso’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“1/2 piece carrot”,”1/4 piece burdock root, gobo “,”2 bunches japanese mustard spinach (komatsuna)”,”75 g maitake mushrooms”,”300 g chicken thighs”,”1 cup dashi stock (1 cup water with 1 teaspoon dashi stock powder)”,”2 cups soymilk (non-adjusted)”,”1 tablespoon sake”,”3 tablespoons miso”]

Number of Servings: 2

Steps: [‘Peel the carrot then slice it thinly along its width so that the pieces will have round shape. Wash the gobo or burdock root well then slice it thinly diagonally.’, ‘Bring water in a pot to a boil then put the komatsuna with its root at the bottom. Boil the komatsuna for about 2 minutes then remove it from the pot and transfer it in a bowl with cold water to stop the cooking process. Next, put the carrot and gobo slices in the pot and cook it for 1-2 minutes then take it from the pot. Cut the root end of the komatsuna then slice it into about 5-cm pieces then separate the stem from the leaves.’, ‘Use your hands to tear the maitake into several easy-to-bite pieces.’, ‘Wash the chicken thighs using hot water then dry it using a paper towel. Slice it into bite-sized pieces.’, ‘Pour a cup of dashi stock in a pot. Add the chicken then bring the liquid to a boil. Add the carrot, burdock root, stem part of the komatsuna and the mushrooms in the pot then cover. Turn the heat to middle then cook for 10 minutes or until the chicken and vegetables are done.’, ‘Combine 2 cups of soy milk and a tablespoon of sake then pour it in the pot once the chicken and vegetables are done.’, ‘Once the liquid boils, lower the heat then add the miso paste. Dissolve it completely then carefully mix the stew.’, ‘Turn off the heat then serve the stew immediately.’]

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