Baursaki (Kazakhstan Fried Bread)


This bread is traditionally strewn over the table. From the Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of Foods and Recipes of the World. Times and servings are estimated.

Ingredients: [‘flour’, ‘yeast’, ‘water’, ‘milk’, ‘eggs’, ‘butter’, ‘sugar’, ‘salt’, ‘vegetable oil’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“4 cups flour”,”2 tablespoons yeast”,”1/2 cup water”,”1/2 cup milk”,”2 eggs”,”2 tablespoons butter”,”1/2 tablespoon sugar”,”1/2 teaspoon salt”,” vegetable oil, about 2 cups (for frying)”]

Number of Servings: 12

Steps: [‘Combine all ingredients (except oil) in a large mixing bowl , mixing to form a dough.’, ‘Knead the dough on a floured surface, then return to mixing bowl. Cover with a towel and let sit for 30 minutes.’, ‘Heat oil in deep skillet over high heat.’, ‘Pull off tablespoon-size pieces of the dough and roll into a ball. Press down slightly, then drop carefully into oil and fry until golden brown.’, ‘Drain on paper towels.’]

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