Boiled Ham With Marsala Sauce


My husband likes ham steaks so I am keeping this for him (and for you). An easy, simple preparation. Just make the sauce and pour over the ham and bake it. FYI- the ham steaks are already cooked or boiled.

Ingredients: [‘butter’, ‘flour’, ‘marsala wine’, ‘dry white wine’, ‘ham steaks’, ‘nutmeg’, ‘pepper’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“1/4 cup butter”,”1 1/2 tablespoons flour”,”1/3 cup marsala wine (or sherry)”,”1/4 cup dry white wine”,”4 ham steaks, boiled, 1-inch thick “,”1/8 teaspoon nutmeg”,” pepper, to taste “]

Number of Servings: 4

Steps: [‘Brown butter in skillet without burning.’, ‘Blend flour in wines and add to brown butter.’, ‘Now add spices and place over a low flame; mix well until thickened.’, ‘Place ham slices in shallow casserole and pour sauce over it.’, ‘Bake in 375 degree oven for 15 minutes.’]

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