Cacen Boeth – Hot Cake from Wales


From Celtic Cookery by Iris Price Jones.
“Many of us are tempted to nibble at a cake freshly hot from the oven, but this is the one that is intended to be eaten hot. It is called Cacen Boeth, literally Hot Cake.”

My Welsh mother-in-law adores this cake. It isn’t a sweet cake, just slightly sweet. It is a little like a Bisquik shortcake, but a lot better!

Ingredients: [‘butter’, ‘sugar’, ‘eggs’, ‘self raising flour’, ‘salt’, ‘cinnamon’, ‘sultanas’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“4 ounces butter”,”4 ounces sugar”,”2 eggs”,”4 ounces self raising flour”,”1 pinch salt”,”1 teaspoon cinnamon”,”2 ounces sultanas”]

Number of Servings: 6

Steps: [‘Beat the butter to a cream, add the sugar and beat again until white and creamy. Gradually stir in the beaten eggs and beat well in; fold the sifted flour, salt and cinnamon gently into the mixture and add the sultanas.’, ‘Turn into two buttered cake pans in a moderately hot oven 375F for 20 – 25 minutes. Turn the cakes out at once and have ready some butter already softened, and spread very thickly on both cakes. Sandwich them together and eat while hot.’, ‘You could also spread a little jam or honey on a cake.’]

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