

Este plato es tipico comerlo por la calle en venezuela, como almuerzo en un puestecito ambulante. Esta buenisimo, sobre todo si te gusta el maiz.

Ingredients: [‘corn kernels’, ‘salt’, ‘water’, ‘sugar’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“4 cups tender corn kernels (canned corn may be used)”,”3 teaspoons salt”,”3/4-1 cup water (depending on how tender the corn is)”,”3/4 cup sugar”]

Number of Servings: 1

Steps: [‘Mix all the ingredients in a blender.’, ‘The mix should become thick and heavy.’, ‘If not, add more corn or a few tablespoons of Jiffy Corn Muffins Mix (not gluten-free).’, ‘Shape the mix into small pancakes approximately 1/2 inch thick and about 5 inches in diameter.’, ‘Let them cook on medium heat for about one minute on each side, or until small bubbles form on the top.’, ‘Pancakes should be served hot, and may be accompanied with cheese (feta cheese is a good option).’]

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