Cranberry Relish


I’ve been making this relish for the past few years and my family loves it. The recipe is unusual because it does not use the orange peel. It also makes a lot, feel free to cut the recipe in half. Enjoy!

Ingredients: [‘cranberries’, ‘apples’, ‘oranges’, ‘sugar’, ‘cinnamon’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“2 (12 ounce) bags cranberries”,”2 apples”,”2 oranges”,”1 1/2-2 1/2 cups sugar”,”1 teaspoon cinnamon”]

Number of Servings: 1

Steps: [‘Rinse and pick over the cranberries.’, ‘Peel, seed, and section the oranges, trying not to get any of the white membrane between the sections.’, ‘Core the apples (can also peel if desired).’, ‘Chop all the fruit very finely either by hand or food processor, and mix together.’, ‘Mix in the sugar and cinnamon, according to taste. (Note: can also add other spices or flavorings.).’, ‘Store in the refrigerator.’]

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