Home Made Pierogies With Caramelized Onion


This is a wonderful recipe passed down to me from one of the most talented chefs ever, my Grandma Rose! These are delicious and they freeze well!

Ingredients: [‘all-purpose flour’, ‘salt’, ‘baking powder’, ‘olive oil’, ‘warm water’, ‘egg’, ‘sauerkraut’, ‘sweet onions’, ‘butter’, ‘dry red wine’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“4 cups all-purpose flour”,”1 teaspoon salt”,”1/2 teaspoon baking powder”,”1/4 cup olive oil”,”1 cup warm water”,”1 beaten egg”,”1 (32 ounce) jar sauerkraut, well drained “,”2 large sweet onions, peeled and cut into half rings “,”3/4 cup butter, divided (1/2 Cup to brown the pierogies and 1/4 cup to brown the onion)”,”1/8 cup dry red wine”]

Number of Servings: 1

Steps: [‘In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, salt and baking powder.xa0 Pour in the olive oil, warm water and beaten egg.xa0 Mix well with a fork or pastry blender.xa0xa0Knead the dough for about 5 minutes or until smooth and elastic.xa0 Form into a ball.xa0 xa0Cover with a clean towel and let rest for 10 minutes.’, ‘Divide dough into thirds and roll out onto floured surface to 1/8″ thickness. With 3″ cutter or glass, cut out circles.’, ‘Fill each circle with a Tablespoon of sauerkraut. Fold over and seal edges with the tines of a fork dipped in flour.’, ‘Fill a medium stockpot with water and add 1 Tbsp. salt.xa0 Bring to a boil and drop pierogies in (I like to work with 5 to 6xa0 at a time).xa0 Let boil for two to three minutes.xa0 When pierogies float to the surface, remove with a slotted spoon and let drain on paper towels.xa0 If you plan on freezing them, place on a cookie sheet in a single layer and freeze for one hour.xa0 Remove from freezer and place in freezer containers or gallon freezer bags.xa0 These will keep for 6 to 9 months frozen andxa0will need to be thawed for at leastxa030 minutes before browning.’, ‘Melt 1/2 cup of butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add pierogies and brown. Turn and brown the other side. Keep warm.’, ‘Melt the 1/4 cup of butter in the skillet and add the onions.’, ‘Saute, stirring occasionally, until the onions are browned and soft. Add the 1/8 cup of wine to deglaze the pan.’, ‘Serve pierogies topped with caramelized onions. This recipe makes 30 pierogies.’]

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