Homemade Peanut Butter


This is how I have been making peanut butter for years. It is incredibly easy and cheap. And it is not oily like most ‘natural’ peanut butters because it is “whipped” instead of just ground. The lecithin in the peanuts emulsifies the oil so that it is light and fluffy, and does not separate. If you use unsalted peanuts, add a pinch of salt (grind for better distribution). Also, use plain roasted and check the ingredients; some dry roasted have a lot of strange ingredients (e.g. garlic powder, torula yeast, etc.) which will make it taste weird. I found that cookies and cakes made with this have a stronger flavor, probably because it is not as diluted with oil. The amount of oil needed might vary, depending on how “dry” the peanuts are, but it is usually 2T for this recipe. Do not use more than this recipe at a time, or it will be too much and too heavy to properly whip. The food processor is easier to clean if you add frozen bananas, berries, and milk to make a smoothie out of.

Ingredients: [‘peanuts’, ‘oil’, ‘salt’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“2 cups peanuts (roasted)”,”1 -3 tablespoon oil (any kind)”,”1 pinch salt (if unsalted peanuts)”]

Number of Servings: 1

Steps: [‘In a food processor, add the peanuts and grind until it resembles tiny beads (~20 sec.) (will be loud for a few seconds). Do not add the oil until this happens, it needs to be dry in order for it to break into the beads .’, ‘Add the oil and process to desired consistency, mixing with a spoon a few times to clear the corner, sides, etc. It will probably form a ball a few times while mixing, this is normal and it will go away. It will start to whip after the last “ball”, at which point it will be about done (~ 2 mins).’, ‘Repeat until desired amount is achieved. Store in fridge or at room temperature.’]

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