Llapingachos – Potato Cakes Filled With Cheese


Llapingachos are potato patties filled with cheese, then sauteed to a golden brown for an appetizer or snack in Ecuador. If your not in a hurry they will fry better if the patties are chilled for about 45 mins before frying. When fried warm they will be ok but will sloppier and not hold together quite as well

Ingredients: [‘potatoes’, ‘white onion’, ‘oil’, ‘cheese’, ‘egg yolks’, ‘salt’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“4 1/2 lbs potatoes, 2 kilos de papas “,”1 finely diced white onion, 1 cebolla blanca finamente picada “,”4 tablespoons oil, 4 cucharadas de aceite “,”1/2 cup grated cheese, 1/2 de queso rallado “,”2 egg yolks, 2 yemas de huevo “,” salt, sal al gusto “]

Number of Servings: 4

Steps: [‘ENGLISH:’, ‘Boil the potatoes and mash, or use leftover mashed potatoes.’, ‘Saute the onion in oil until very soft, mix the cooked onions and the egg yolk in with potatoes,.’, ‘Shape the potato mixture into equal sized balls.’, ‘Poke a hole in each ball and stuff with the cheese, then seal the hole. Flatten into patties.’, ‘They work better when chilled before sauteing in oil until nicely browned.’, ‘Note:’, ‘The cheese may also be mixed in with the potato and onion mixture before the patties are made.’, ‘SPANISH:’, ‘Haga un refrito con la cebolla y el aceite.’, ‘Haga hervir las papas con sal y cuando esten suaves aplstelas hasta formar un pure Agrege a la papa el refrito y con estas haga bolitas.’, ‘Haga un hueco en las bolitas y en el meta el queso, cierrelos hasta que tomen la forma de unas gruesas tortillas.’, ‘Pongalos en un sarten hasta que doren.’]

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