Traditional British Flapjacks


Posted for ZWT6. Untried by me at the time of posting but I do mean to try this as it sounds like something everyone would enjoy. Found on the web and based on their intro they say it is best to bake these to the point where they are still a bit gooey for best flavors. Hope you enjoy! Great For: Nutritious quick snacks straight from the store cupboard, comfort food, tasty breakfast bars.

Ingredients: [‘butter’, ‘margarine’, ‘brown sugar’, ‘honey’, ‘oats’, ‘salt’, ‘banana’, ‘chocolate’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“40 g butter (3 1/2 tbls US)”,”60 g margarine (4 tbls US)”,”80 g brown sugar (2/5 cup US)”,”3 tablespoons honey”,”250 g oats (3 1/10 cup US)”,”1 pinch salt”,”1 banana, medium to large in size “,” chocolate”]

Number of Servings: 12

Steps: [‘Melt the butter and the margarine in a deep saucepan over a very low heat.’, ‘Add the brown sugar and honey and mix well until you have a liquid substance.’, ‘Mix in the oats and pinch of salt — it may be easier to add the oats in gradually stirring and covering the oats with the mixture.’, ‘Mash the banana into a liquid pulp and mix into the oats (this will take a good few minutes to ensure that the banana is fully mixed in).’, ‘Get a knife and spread the oats evenly over a greased baking sheet.’, “Place the baking sheet onto the middle shelf in a 425F preheated oven (gas mark 5, 220 C) and bake for 15 minutes, checking the progress regularly. Take out when the mixture starts turning a darker color – don’t over bake.”, ‘Let stand for a minute or two, then cut the flapjack into as many pieces as you wish. You may find it best to leave the flapjacks for a few hours to cool down although you can eat them straight away.’, “Drizzle with melted chocolate if you’d like as a way to decorate but this is really not needed unless you want to dress up the flapjacks.”]

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