Deer Heart


We always just diced the heart and fried it in olive oil… fried diced potatoes in another frying pan and had at it. No creativity I guess.
Hey it’s the keyboards fault for misspelled words.
Every day above ground is a good day especially when it’s one day closer to hunting season.

Ingredients: [‘deer heart’, ‘balsamic vinegar’, ‘olive oil’, ‘rosemary’, ‘salt and pepper’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“1 deer heart”,”1/2 cup balsamic vinegar”,”1/2 cup olive oil”,”2 sprigs rosemary”,” salt and pepper”]

Number of Servings: 2

Steps: [‘1. Clean the heart under cold running water until the water runs clear.’, ‘2. Cut the heart in half lengthwise so that you have two squares. Trim off the outer white membrane.’, ‘3. Cut the squares into strips and the strips into small squares.’, ‘4. Marinate the squares in the balsamic, oil, rosemary, and salt and pepper, covered in plastic for at least an hour.’, ‘5. Heat a pan over high heat with a bit of oil and quick sear the heart squares, about 1 minute on each side. You want them to be no more than medium rare. Serve immediately!’, ‘My Note: I always boil the heart, for 45 minutes or so, then refrigerate, slice up for sandwhich, with onions of course.’, ‘———.’, ‘Stuffed Deer Heart.’, ‘Ingredients:’, ‘1Deer heart.’, ‘1 cup Fine bread crumbs.’, ‘1 Stock of celery, chopped.’, ‘1/2 teaspoons Salt.’, ‘4 Tablespoons Melted butter.’, ‘1 Small onion, chopped (vidalia onion).’, ‘1/2 teaspoon Sage.’, ‘1/4 teaspoon Pepper.’, ‘Flour, salt and pepper for dredging.’, ‘Instructions:’, ‘1. heart with a damp cloth, soak overnight in salted water, and then drain.’, ‘2. Mix stuffing ingredients in order given.’, ‘3. Drain the heart, hollow out the top and stuff with the sage dressing, and then close the opening.’, ‘4. Dredge heart in flour, salt and pepper.’, ‘5. Dot with butter or dripping.’, ‘6. Place in a covered roaster and bake in a 325*F. oven until done, about 3 hours, basting occasionally.’, “Tip’s: My mother would boil the heart for a while and then bake it with sage dressing. Delicious! I did so want her recipe for sage dressing! Do you or tou have one ?.”, ‘GRPA- Your Mom and My Mom’s did the same Sage Dressing ? But a Deer Heart maybe? From Laura November 14, 1965’, ‘Will, When I think of dressing or stuffing, whatever you choose to call it, this is the recipe I do. It’s the only recipe I know. This is what I remember having every year at Thanksgiving as long as I can remember. It is simple, easy, and everyone in our family loves it. It’s best served with gravy drizzled on it. I usually make it with whatever is the cheapest sandwich bread I can find at the store. However, this time I had some leftover Italian bread that needed to be used up, so I used that and made a half recipe for my family. It can be made a day ahead and kept in the fridge. Your dressing should look a little more squished and condensed than my picture. I made the mistake of cooking it in a covered casserole dish. It turned out too dry on the top layer.’, ‘Ingredients:’, ‘2 loaves of sandwich bread (I usually just get the cheapest loaf, which is usually store brand).’, ‘4 stalks of celery, finely diced.’, ‘2 medium onions, finely diced.’, ‘4 tablespoons butter.’, ‘2 teaspoons ground sage.’, ‘Instructions:’, ‘1. Slice loaves of bread into small cubes. Place in a large pot or on a cookie sheet. Sprinkle with sage and toss bread. You want each piece of bread to get a little sprinkling of sage. Repeat this as necessary. I’d guess I use at least 2 tsp, maybe even a tablespoon.’, ‘2. Place diced celery in a pan with just enough water to cover and steam until tender. Add celery along with the water to the bread and toss.’, ‘3. Then saute onion in the butter until translucent. Toss in with bread. At this point, feel the bread. You want it to just be slightly moist and sticky. If needed add more water to get bread to that consistency.’, ‘4. Place bread mixture in a pocket made of foil (wrapped tight), or they have those foil packs you can buy now. It is best to cook it in foil. However, you can also use a large roasting bag placed on a cookie sheet too to cook it inches Don’t cook in a casserole dish, the dressing won’t all remain moist, you’ll get some that is crunchy. I learned that his time! Bake at 350*F. for 30 minutes. (I’ve done it at 325*F. along with the turkey for 40 minutes) This can be made a day ahead and kept in the fridge.’, “Don’t make the mistake I did, using the same amount of ground sage as this recipes calls for in dried sage.”]

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