Stacked Norwegian Pancakes


These are much like french crepes, only you stack them up with filling between each pancake, so they resemble a multi-tiered layer cake. You can substitute butter mixed with maple sugar or caramel fudge frosting for the jelly. From New Settlement Cookbook. Made for ZWT9.

Ingredients: [‘flour’, ‘salt’, ‘milk’, ‘eggs’, ‘jelly’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“1 cup flour”,”1/2 teaspoon salt”,”1 1/2 cups milk”,”3 eggs, very well-beaten “,” jelly”]

Number of Servings: 4

Steps: [‘Sift flour and salt.’, ‘Add milk and eggs, and beat together very well. Batter should be the consistancy of heavy cream.’, ‘Heat a10 inch pan,lightly greased.’, ‘Pour a little batter into the pan, and tilt the pan around to spread the batter evenly and thinly over the bottom.’, ‘When lightly brown, flip and cook the other side.’, ‘Put on a serving plate and spread with jelly.’, ‘Repeat, stacking 6-8 pancakes in one pile.’, ‘Slice like a cake and serve hot.’]

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