Aromatic Lamb Italiano With Salsa Verde


The herb-packed sauce and rub add a Mediterranean twist to traditional lamb

Ingredients: [‘garlic cloves’, ‘bay leaves’, ‘rosemary’, ‘thyme’, ‘basil’, ‘leg of lamb’, ‘red wine’, ‘lemon’, ‘shallots’, ‘capers’, ‘gherkins’, ‘flat leaf parsley’, ‘mint’, ‘chives’, ‘dill’, ‘rapeseed oil’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“4 garlic cloves”,”2 bay leaves”,”2 sprigs rosemary”,”2 sprigs thyme”,”2 tablespoons chopped basil”,”2 1/8 kg leg of lamb, bone in joint “,”200 ml red wine”,”1 lemon, quartered “,”2 shallots, halved “,”1 tablespoon chopped capers”,”5 baby gherkins, finely chopped “,”1 tablespoon chopped flat leaf parsley”,”2 tablespoons chopped mint”,”1 tablespoon snipped chives”,”1 tablespoon chopped dill”,”2 tablespoons rapeseed oil”]

Number of Servings: 12

Steps: [‘Preheat the oven to 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6.’, ‘Blitz the garlic, herbs and a grind of black pepper into a rough paste. Rub into the lamb and put in a roasting tray. Add the wine, lemon and shallots and roast for 3 hours, turning occasionally.’, ‘Mix the other ingredients to make the salsa verde.’, ‘Remove the lamb from the oven, cover with foil and rest for 30 minutes Carve the meat and drizzle with the salsa verde to serve.’]

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