Honduran Huevos Con Salsa De Chiles (Eggs Poached in Chili Sauce


Ingredients: [‘hot green chili peppers’, ‘all-purpose flour’, ‘salt’, ‘eggs’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“1 (4 ounce) can hot green chili peppers”,”1 -2 teaspoon all-purpose flour”,”1/4 teaspoon salt”,”4 eggs”]

Number of Servings: 2

Steps: [‘Sieve chili peppers and their liquid into 7 or 8 inch skillet.’, ‘Stir in flour and salt.’, ‘Bring to boil and simmer for a few minutes, until slightly thickened, stirring constantly.’, ‘Space 4 eggs on top of chili sauce, cover, and simmer over low heat until poached to desired doneness.’, ‘Serve with chili sauce from pan.’, “Woman’s Day.”]

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