Pomegranate Ice Cubes


From the Pom Wonderful website comes this super-easy and elegant twist on the humble ice cube. These add a lovely pinkish hue to any light-colored drink (sparkling water or ginger ale make for an especially pretty presentation). NOTE: You can save time and work by using packaged pomegranate seeds, available in some grocery stores (such as Trader Joe’s) in the refrigerated produce section. Cook time is freezing time.

Ingredients: [‘pomegranate seeds’, ‘water’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“1/2 cup pomegranate seeds”,”2 cups water”]

Number of Servings: 1

Steps: [‘Score 1 fresh pomegranate and place in a bowl of water. Break open the pomegranate under water to free the seed sacs. The seeds will sink to the bottom of the bowl and the membrane will float to the top. Sieve and put the seeds in a separate bowl. Measure out 1/2 cup of the seeds and set aside. (Refrigerate or freeze remaining seeds for another use.).’, ‘Fill two ice cube trays with water almost to the top, and place in freezer for about an hour.’, ‘When cubes are semi-frozen, remove the trays from the freezer. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds into cubes in tray. Place trays back in the freezer until cubes are frozen solid.’, ‘Serve with beverage of your choice.’]

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