Rugbrod Norwegian Rye Bread


It is very close to Swedish. They make 4 loaves at time so I would use the button for 1 loaf.

Ingredients: [‘yeast’, ‘water’, ‘brown sugar’, ‘milk’, ‘anise seeds’, ‘karo syrup’, ‘butter’, ‘rye flour’, ‘graham flour’, ‘salt’, ‘orange zest’, ‘flour’, ‘caraway seeds’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“6 teaspoons yeast”,”3 cups water, warm, divided “,”1 cup brown sugar”,”2 cups milk, scalded “,”4 teaspoons anise seeds”,”2 cups Karo syrup, dark “,”5 tablespoons butter, melted “,”2 cups rye flour”,”2 cups graham flour”,”4 teaspoons salt”,”1 cup orange zest”,”6 cups flour, may need more “,”3 teaspoons caraway seeds”]

Number of Servings: 1

Steps: [‘Soften yeast in 1/4 cup warm water.’, ‘Add brown sugar, milk, and water.’, ‘Add 2 cups white flour; beat well; let double in bulk.’, ‘Mix anise seeds and dark syrup in saucepan; bring to a boil; cook 1 minute; strain out seeds.’, ‘Add butter; cool.’, ‘When lukewarm, add rye flour, graham flour, and salt to the yeast mixture.’, ‘Add grated orange zest; and knead on floured board, adding enough flour to make a stiff dough.’, ‘Let rise until double in bulk.’, ‘Divide dough into 4 parts; place each in well greased pan; let rise until double in size.’, ‘You can brush the tops with a mixture of Karo syrup and water; put in caraway seeds in last knead.’, ‘Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 1 hour. Some start with 425 degree Fahrenheit oven for first 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.’]

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