Sneaky Chef Green Juice


This can be used to boost nutritional value for lots of recipes! Use in chocolate pudding, milk shakes, green icings, casseroles, etc. Green juice is an extremely nutrient dense food. One tablespoon is equivalent to eating 1/4 cup of spinach leaves. It contains iron, calcium, and enzymes for digestion, as well as chlorophyll and carotens for disease fighting power. And just think, your kids, husband, guests, etc. won’t even know! 🙂 This recipe was gleaned from The Sneaky Chef cookbook by Missy Chase Lapine.

Ingredients: [‘baby spinach leaves’, ‘water’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“3 cups raw baby spinach leaves (or 2 cups frozen chopped spinach or frozen chopped collard greens)”,”1 cup water”]

Number of Servings: 1

Steps: [‘Wash raw spinach(even if the bag says prewashed). Bring water to a boil in the water in a medium pot. Put in spinach or collards, bring back to a boil, then reduce heat to low and allow to simmer for 10 minutes.’, ‘Pour into a fine mesh strainer over a container or bowl, pressing the green pulp with the back of a spoon until all the liquid is released.’, ‘Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, or freeze 1/4 cup portions in sealed plastic bags or small plastic containers. This makes about 1 cup. Double the recipe if you want to store another cup of juice.’]

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