Maltese Rabbit Stew


Traditional Maltese food.

Ingredients: [‘oil’, ‘rabbit’, ‘onion’, ‘garlic clove’, ‘red wine’, ‘bay leaf’, ‘beef bouillon cube’, ‘nutmeg’, ‘tomato paste’, ‘sugar’, ‘salt and pepper’, ‘potatoes’, ‘carrots’, ‘peas’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“1/4 cup oil”,”3 lbs rabbit, cut in pieces “,”1 onion, chopped “,”1 garlic clove, chopped “,”1/2 cup red wine”,”1 bay leaf”,”1 beef bouillon cube”,”1/4 teaspoon nutmeg”,”2 tablespoons tomato paste”,”1/4 teaspoon sugar”,” salt and pepper”,”4 large potatoes, peeled and quartered “,”2 carrots, chopped “,”1/2 cup peas”]

Number of Servings: 4

Steps: [‘Heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat.’, ‘Cook rabbit, onion, and garlic until rabbit is browned.’, ‘Add wine, bay leaf, bouillon, nutmeg, tomato paste, sugar, salt and pepper.’, ‘Add potatoes, carrots, and peas.’, ‘Add enough water to cover.’, ‘Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer.’, ‘Cook until potatoes are done, about one hour.’]

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