Tibetan Pickled Daikon Radish Condiment


The radishes in Tibet are large, usually white, high altitude cousins of the daikon radish and are used here as a pickle ingredient. This pickle is very tart and vinegry but mellows over time; it is meant to be used as a condiment, not on it’s own. Daikon radish is available year round, allowing this quick pickle to be made any time of the year and stored in the refrigerator for weeks. This pickle is also used as an ingredient in other condiments, such as Lhasa Yellow Achar. This recipe is from the book, ” Beyond The Great Wall, Recipes and Travels in The Other China” by Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid.

Ingredients: [‘daikon radish’, ‘scallions’, ‘onion’, ‘ginger’, ‘salt’, ‘garlic’, ‘peppercorn’, ‘vinegar’]

Quantity of Ingredients: [“1 lb daikon radish, peeled and coarsely grated “,”2 scallions, minced “,”1/2 onion, small, cut in thin slices “,”2 tablespoons ginger, minced “,”2 tablespoons salt, kosher “,”1 tablespoon garlic, minced “,”1 teaspoon peppercorn, Sichuan preferred, dry roasted and ground “,”3 cups vinegar, rice vinegar preferred “]

Number of Servings: 10

Steps: [‘Place the radish, scallions, onion, and ginger in a large bowl and toss to mix them well; stuff half the mixture into a sterilized 4-quart jar and add 1 tablespoon of the salt and the garlic and Sichuan pepper.’, ‘Add the remaining radish mixture and the second tablespoon of salt, and pour on the vinegar, which should cover the mixture completely; seal and shake the jar to distribute the vinegar well.’, ‘Place the jar in a sunny spot by a window for 2 to 4 days depending on the temperature, for colder weather allow 4 days; give the jar a shake occasionally to help blend the flavors.’, ‘It is now ready to use; the pickle will keep indefinately if well sealed and refrigerated; to serve, use a clean fork or chopsticks to lift out a clump of radish strands and place them in a condiment bowl.’]

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