Cantaloupe Popsicles

From Linda Larsen,Your Guide to Busy Cooks a Cantaloupe is loaded with Vitamins A and C, yet it’s so sweet, juicy, and succulent. Each …

Watermelon Blueberry Salad With Balsamic Dressing

I really wanted to showcase the 18 year aged balsamic I recently purchased so I have made this quick and fresh watermelon blueberry salad. The …

Southern Style Tabbouleh

A traditional dish of the Middle East twisted by those crafty cooks down south. Ingredients: [‘water’, ‘salt’, ‘bulgar wheat’, ‘watermelon’, ‘fresh parsley’, ‘garlic clove’, ‘scallions’, …

Frozen Flower Bowls With Fruits

This comes from the book Girlfriends Forever by Susan Blanch. A delicious and lovely way to present food! Cooking time is freezing time. Ingredients: [‘water’, …

Watermelon Martini

Family Circle summertime drinks Ingredients: [‘watermelon’, ‘superfine sugar’, ‘sweetened lime juice’, ‘vodka’] Quantity of Ingredients: [“1 (4 lb) watermelon”,”1/3 cup superfine sugar”,”2 tablespoons bottled sweetened …

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