Crazy Corn

Corn-on-the Cob with a twist. Was given to my family from a friend who was from El-Salvidor. We love it and eat it all the …

Ecuadorean Beet Salad

This is meant to be eaten with plain white rice. No one ever believes me but as soon as they try it they are hooked. …

Llapingachos – Potato Cakes Filled With Cheese

Llapingachos are potato patties filled with cheese, then sauteed to a golden brown for an appetizer or snack in Ecuador. If your not in a …

Easy Fanesca Imitation

Fanesca is a salty peanut and cream-based soup served in the Andes of Ecuador for Easter. The traditional recipe has 12 grains for the 12 …

The Best Chicken Soup Ever

I learned how to make this soup when I was in Ecuador a couple of years ago and it is still the best recipe for …

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